Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD)

Coined by Richard Louv in his book Last Child in the Woods, Nature Deficit Disorder refers to the phenomenon that humans, the young in particular, are spending less time in nature; and that this leads to a multitude of negative consequences.
“Reducing that deficit – healing the broken bond between our young and nature – is in our self-interest, not only because aesthetics or justice demands it, but also because our mental, physical, and spiritual health depends on it. The health of the earth is at stake as well.” Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods
For more detail on Nature Deficit Disorder and the benefits of connecting children to nature, see: ..\CNNEvidenceoftheDeficit.pdf and Children & Nature. While the best remedy for nature Deficit Disorder is to simply get out into nature, if this is not possible, the next best thing is to at least view a simulation of nature……More precisely, to view the element of natural scenery which has been shown to cause relaxation and positive health effects: fractal geometry.
Numerous scientific studies have established that when humans view natural scenery, it produces profound improvements in health – psychologically, emotionally, cognitively, and physiologically – and that these health improvements can be attributed to the fractal geometry which underlies natural scenery. Please refer to the FRACTALS AND HEALTH page for further explanation and for references to the supporting research. It is our hypothesis that viewing particular fractals may be beneficial for those with Nature Deficit Disorder.
NATURE MIX music videos are made up of synchronized combinations of carefully chosen fractal images and classical music. (Refer to the BENEFITS OF CLASSICAL MUSIC page and MUSIC THERAPY page) The NATURE MIX objective is to present a visual/auditory experience that is the best screen time choice available for producing positive health effects. Also, we are hoping to determine if the combination of fractals and classical music might be an effective way to address the problem of Nature Deficit Disorder.
Note: We are advocates for the full sensory experience of actual nature, not for watching TV or computer screens. However, if people are going to be watching TV anyway, we have designed NATURE MIX to be the best available alternative…….for anyone, not just for those with Nature Deficit Disorder.